Saturday, March 22, 2008

Shameless Product Promotion - Seventh Generation Disposable Diapers

I was skeptical about trying environmentally friendly diapers. I just assumed that they would leak, smell, and generally be inferior to the traditional disposables. One gets used to inferior quality when buying environmentally friendly products. However, the Seventh Generation diapers have been just as absorbent as Huggies or Pampers and leaking has been a total non-issue.

The used Seventh Generation diapers do smell a little more "natural," but it hasn't really bothered me.

It's worth noting that the diapers are the color of a brown lunch bag. To the untrained eye, one may think the diapers are soiled when they are not.

Equally good pricing news, if you buy the diapers on Amazon.Com you can get them for about $0.22 per diaper which is about what one would pay for Huggies or Pampers at the grocery store, but they're delivered straight to the house.

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