Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Love American Express

American Express is a great company. Not only have I been able to decorate my entire dining room using AMEX points, but I have had two recent experiences with AMEX that makes me love them even more.

A few weeks ago, Steph's car broke down at our house. I called the AMEX roadside assistance service, and they dispatched someone to come tow the car. I was still waiting after an hour and a half, so I called AMEX again to follow up. The woman I spoke with was so great-- she said that it was unacceptable that I had waited over an hour for the tow truck and that she would send another tow truck to our house as well as follow up with the first guy. I truly felt like a valued customer and loved it!

If that weren't enough, I got a call on Friday from AMEX about a suspicious charge on my card. They had been monitoring my account and noticed that someone bought $488 worth of vitamins from an online vitamin distributor out of New Jersy. They had already suspended payment, and they closed my account in about 30 seconds over the phone. To top it off, I had a new card delivered to my door on Monday. Amazing!

I know, I sound like a cheesy add, but AMEX, you really are the best. I love you!


Robyn said...

I love the redesign,guys...what a great picture of your family!

Jamie said...

hey - i LOVE that picture of you guys in the header. (and i love am ex too!)